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Alternating Inference Chain



An Alternating Inference Chain, better known by its acronym AIC, is a chain of premises, linked by alternating strong and weak inferences.

The vertices in the chain are premises: statements or assertions that may be either true or false. The simplest premise concerns the candidate values of individual cells:

However, a premise may involve groups of cells or complex patterns such as Almost Locked Sets:

The inferences that form the links between the premises in the chain are either strong or weak.

A strong inference asserts that the two premises cannot both be false. For example, if cell r3c5 has only two candidate values 3 and 4, these two premises can be strongly linked:

A weak inference asserts that both premises cannot be true. For example:

Note that the two premises in the preceding strong link example also can be weakly linked, since they can't both possibly be true at the same time.

Conventional notation uses double lines (=) to indicate strong inferences and single lines (-) to indicate weak inferences.

It is possible to write AICs with the Eureka notation system.

Non-looping AICs

An AIC chains together premises using alternating strong and weak inferences. The simplest AICs look like this (A, B, C, and D represent the premises):

The power of an AIC is that the end points of such a chain are always linked.


The first AIC shown above can be written as the Boolean algebraic expression:


For this expression to be true, the truth table looks like this:

A  B  C  D
F  T  F  T
T  F  F  T
T  F  T  F
T  F  T  T
T  T  F  T

Note that in no case is it possible for both A and D to be false.
A and D are thus strongly linked.

Similarly, we can write the second AIC shown above as:


For this expression to be true, the truth table looks like this:

A  B  C  D
F  F  T  F
F  T  F  F
F  T  F  T
F  T  T  F
T  F  T  F

Note that in no case is it possible for both A and D to be true.
A and D are thus weakly linked.

The goal here is to use the link (inference) between the endpoints of the AIC to perform candidate eliminations. For example, suppose that an AIC has these two premises as endpoints, linked strongly:

The strong link means that 3 must be in one or the other (or maybe both) of the two cells. 3 can be eliminated as a candidate value from r3c6, which sees both of the cells involved in the AIC's endpoint premises.

An interesting case occurs where there is mutual visibility between cells involved in the AIC's endpoint premises. For example, an AIC with the strongly linked endpoint premises:

The strong link between these premises (both cannot be false) means that we can eliminate 4 as a candidate value from r5c2 and 5 as a candidate value from r4c2.

AIC Loops

An AIC can form a loop if the chain's endpoint premise can be linked to the starting premise:


When the AIC forms a loop, the loop can be broken at any of the links and any eliminations from the resulting chain can be performed. Thus, the loop shown in the example above yields these chains:

A Further Example

This example shows the Eureka notation for an AIC.

1 -- --
. . .
. . .
-- 1 --
. . .
. . .
-- -- --
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
X . .
-- -- --
-- 1 --
-- -- 1
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
(1)r1c1=(1)r1c5-(1)r5c5=(1)r6c6 => r6c1<>1

This chain has four premises:

The chain links represent the following inferences:

The chain proves that either r1c1 or r6c6 must contain digit 1. Therefore r6c1 cannot contain digit 1.

When the premises of an AIC involve only individual candidate values, then it is either a X-Chain, a XY-Chain or some combination of X-Chains and XY-Chains.

An Example Involving Groups in Premises

Consider this Sudoku puzzle:

. 6 .
3 . 1
8 . .
3 . .
. 8 .
6 7 .
. . .
. 9 .
. . 1
. 3 .
7 5 .
. . 6
. . .
. . .
. . .
1 . .
. 8 2
. 4 .
6 . .
. 4 .
. . .
. 9 8
. 3 .
. . 5
. . 4
8 . 9
. 6 .

After simple eliminations, we arrive at this candidate grid:

2459 6 24579
3 27 1
8 29 2459
3 1245 1249
245 8 24
6 7 249
2457 257 8
24567 9 567
2345 235 1
249 3 2489
7 5 49
129 1289 6
24589 2456 247
149 146 134
2589 25 237
1 57 56
369 8 2
3579 4 357
6 127 2357
125 4 257
129 12789 23789
127 9 8
127 3 6
1247 124 5
2357 12357 4
8 1257 9
237 6 37

This AIC can be formed (shown in condensed Eureka notation):

(1)r1c6=r5c6=(3-7)r6c6=grp(7)r6c79-r4c8-(5=6)r4c9-r2c9=(6-4)r2c7=grp(4)r2c46 => r1c6<>4

Expanded, the premises and linking inferences are:

r1c6 (start of the AIC) and all of the cells in the group {r2c4, r2c6} (end of the AIC) are mutually visible. Thus, r1c6 cannot be 4 and neither of {r2c4, r2c6} can be 1. We can thus eliminate 4 as a candidate from r1c6.

See also

External links

This page was last modified 02:57, 2 April 2008.