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Skewed Swordfish

A Skewed Swordfish is the Skewed Fish variant of the Swordfish technique. It is useable in Sudoku-X, Isosudoku, Argyle Sudoku and other variants with additional diagonals.

Example 1

In the first example two swordfish lines are on diagonals.


The swordfish with candidate 1 is formed by the pink cell with respect to D/, D\ and R5 because the yellow cells doesn't contain this candidate. We can conclude for the green cells that they can't have candidate 1. This still works if not all candidates in the pink cells are pencilmarked.

Example 2

In the first example one swordfish line is on a diagonal.


The swordfish with candidate 1 is formed by the pink cell with respect to D/, R5 and R7 because the yellow cells doesn't contain this candidate. Again we can conclude for the green cells that they can't have candidate 1.

This page was last modified 14:11, 1 March 2008.